Wednesday, February 18, 2009

President's Day

Me and the fam took a walk Presidents' Day. Now when walking with the family I don't get the luxury of stopping to sketch. But Liz was very accommodating to let me poke along and take reference photos every twenty steps or so.

So today during lunch I sketched up one of the photos. It probably isn't strong enough image for a finished piece of art but it was a very peaceful way to spend 40 or so minutes in the middle of the work day, and sketching one's desk is only fun once. For any of you curious types out there the field the trailer was in was flooded, I was trying to capture the reflection of the trailer in the water, you can decided on how well I did.

You'd think with the time for forethought I had that I'd not put the dark foliage behind the top of the dark trailer. I kind of lost the whole upper line of the trailer. Oh well.

Calendar Trivia: President's Day, Presidents' Day and Presidents Day are all correct spellings of the holiday. (even if I can't get a proper apostrophe! I can do it on my Mac, grumble grumble.) The odd tidbits one learns when designing a calendar for publication.

(OK it was fun that once, see the sketch below. My iMac with its "protective" layer of post-its. And no my screen is not lopsided I found myself doodling before I stopped to think about balance or accuracy or negative space or any of that, but I like it anyway.)


  1. I'm not an artest, but I love your sketches, I realy like your eyes need a hug? is that what that said?...Love ya!

  2. yep!
    there is a little bit of a debate of the origin of the saying. I claim that I heard Christina in another room express "My eyes need a hug." She doesn't recall every saying it, But it sounds so much like her sayings that the odds are in my favor.

    And hey I put it in writing so it has to be accurate right?

  3. I'm so very pleased to see your sketches! This is a great way to share with others your art! I really like the horsetrailer, beautifully done.
