Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Broken Pen

So, I was working at cleaning/restoring some old technical pens I acquired some time back and while testing the 2.5 Ii quickly realized that ink didn't stop flowing when I stopped writing. Well I had just put several drops of ink in this pen and I didn't want to waste it (or try and disassemble/clean a pen gushing with ink), so "Pen to paper, don't stop moving till the ink runs out!"

Here are the results...

(the second page is my favorite)

P.S. this was so fun I didn't chuck the pen. I'm saving it for those times of artist block. (You don't leave your self a choice, you load the pen and either you draw or you clean a gushy ink mess. Trust me I've done both and gushy ink messes are quiet the motivator.)

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I do like "Free Assosiation - Self Portrait" Yes, that is my favorite. That would look great hung next to a mono-print I have titled "Me"!
